------ [INFO] Prepare remote import ---Downloaded files--- The import files for: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/static-assets.kubiobuilder.com/demo-sites/production/nutrition-free/content.kds were successfully downloaded! ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: init ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_templates ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_template_parts ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_menus ------ [INFO] Executing before import step: prepare_pages ------ [INFO] Imported "Uncategorized" (category) ------ [INFO] Imported "Primary menu" (nav_menu) ------ [WARNING] Failed to import "": Invalid post type ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Elemento del menú de navegación) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Elemento del menú de navegación) ------ [INFO] Imported "" (Elemento del menú de navegación) ------ [INFO] Imported "logoipsum-logo-6-4.png" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "logoipsum-logo-6-v.png" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "alexander-mils-5X8oLkzZ1fI-unsplash-1024x683-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "alexandra-andersson-si4-pd-eeJs-unsplash-819x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "alisa-golovinska-PqiucwQwZQg-unsplash-scaled-e1636464262171-886x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "dose-juice-sTPy-oeA3h0-unsplash-scaled-e1636460981951-1024x819-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "monika-grabkowska-mha2dvydACg-unsplash-scaled-e1636464221533-706x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "abillion-BlQc1APEaL0-unsplash-1024x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "alexandra-golovac-hTI5A21l0bk-unsplash-683x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "edgar-castrejon-J04BD4ysoh8-unsplash-819x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "hermes-rivera-OzBLe_Eg1mg-unsplash-scaled-e1636468433944-1024x1008-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "plant-oEvgjgawbDA-unsplash-1024x683-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "taylor-kiser-iiQZcCtfpyk-unsplash-796x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "the-creative-exchange-YRSRQpBfsj4-unsplash-scaled-e1636468363727-967x1024-1.jpeg" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "kubio-featured-image" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "colibri-default-attachment" (Medios) ------ [INFO] Imported "Privacy Policy" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Blog" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem ipsum" (Entrada) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Entrada) ------ [INFO] Imported "Lorem Ipsum" (Entrada) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Full Width" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Index" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Search" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Product" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Single Post" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sample Page" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Privacy Policy" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page" (Página) ------ [INFO] Imported "404" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Archive Product" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Left Sidebar" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Custom Styles" (Estilos globales) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact form 1" (Formulario de contacto) ------ [INFO] New AJAX call! ------ [WARNING] Failed to import "": Invalid post type ------ [INFO] Imported "Footer" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Header" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Header" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Sidebar" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Contact form 1" (Formulario de contacto) ------ [INFO] Imported "Front Page-footer" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page With Right Sidebar" (Plantilla) ------ [INFO] Imported "Page Sidebar" (Parte de plantilla) ------ [INFO] Posts post processing ------ [INFO] Create term `elevate-wp` in `wp_theme` ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #50) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #51) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "" (post #113) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "logoipsum-logo-6-4.png" (post #114) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "logoipsum-logo-6-v.png" (post #115) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "alexander-mils-5X8oLkzZ1fI-unsplash-1024×683-1.jpeg" (post #116) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "alexandra-andersson-si4-pd-eeJs-unsplash-819×1024-1.jpeg" (post #117) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "alisa-golovinska-PqiucwQwZQg-unsplash-scaled-e1636464262171-886×1024-1.jpeg" (post #118) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "dose-juice-sTPy-oeA3h0-unsplash-scaled-e1636460981951-1024×819-1.jpeg" (post #119) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "monika-grabkowska-mha2dvydACg-unsplash-scaled-e1636464221533-706×1024-1.jpeg" (post #120) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "abillion-BlQc1APEaL0-unsplash-1024×1024-1.jpeg" (post #121) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "alexandra-golovac-hTI5A21l0bk-unsplash-683×1024-1.jpeg" (post #122) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "edgar-castrejon-J04BD4ysoh8-unsplash-819×1024-1.jpeg" (post #123) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "hermes-rivera-OzBLe_Eg1mg-unsplash-scaled-e1636468433944-1024×1008-1.jpeg" (post #124) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "plant-oEvgjgawbDA-unsplash-1024×683-1.jpeg" (post #125) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "taylor-kiser-iiQZcCtfpyk-unsplash-796×1024-1.jpeg" (post #126) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "the-creative-exchange-YRSRQpBfsj4-unsplash-scaled-e1636468363727-967×1024-1.jpeg" (post #127) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "kubio-featured-image.jpg" (post #128) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "kubio-default-attachment.jpg" (post #129) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Privacy Policy" (post #130) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Blog" (post #131) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem ipsum" (post #132) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #133) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Lorem Ipsum" (post #134) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #12) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Full Width" (post #13) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Index" (post #14) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page" (post #15) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Search" (post #16) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Product" (post #17) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Single Post" (post #18) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sample Page" (post #135) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Privacy Policy" (post #136) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact" (post #111) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page" (post #137) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "404" (post #138) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Archive Product" (post #139) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Left Sidebar" (post #228) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Custom Styles" (post #233) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact form 1" (post #234) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Footer" (post #19) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Header" (post #20) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Header" (post #21) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Sidebar" (post #22) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Contact form 1" (post #236) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Front Page-footer" (post #209) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page With Right Sidebar" (post #229) ------ [WARNING] Could not find the author for "Page Sidebar" (post #230) ------ [INFO] Starting remapping of featured images ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 215 to new ID 128 for post ID 132 ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 215 to new ID 128 for post ID 133 ------ [INFO] Remapping featured image ID 215 to new ID 128 for post ID 134